memory devices

Brain-inspired multistate memory material stores more than just zeroes and ones

Our brain does not work like a typical computer memory storing just ones and zeroes:

IBM Scientists Achieve Storage Memory Breakthrough

Technology can speed up machine learning and access to the Internet of Things, mobile phone

First all-antiferromagnetic memory device could be 1000 times faster

If you haven’t already heard of antiferromagnetic spintronics it won’t be long before you do.

Small tilt in magnets makes them viable memory chips

UC Berkeley researchers have discovered a new way to switch the polarization of nanomagnets, paving

Storage technology that’s 1,000 times faster than current SSDs

Intel and Micron announce the all-new 3D XPoint storage technology that promises to be a

Research mimics brain cells to boost memory power

RMIT University researchers have brought ultra-fast, nano-scale data storage within striking reach, using technology that

Promising New Alloy for Resistive Switching Memory

Tiny Nanoscale Filaments Could be Breakthrough for Smaller, Denser Memory Devices Memory based on electrically-induced

The “50-50” Chip: Memory Device of the Future?

A new material built from aluminum and antimony shows promise for next-generation data-storage devices A

Breakthrough in memory technologies

Small, fast and not so demanding: breakthrough in memory technologies could bring faster computing, smaller

UCLA, Rice University Make Phase-Change Memory Breakthrough

PCM is ultimately expected to be faster, cheaper and more energy-efficient than flash Researchers from