memory decline

Reversing age-related memory loss with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Memory in older adults restored to young adult level Stimulating a precise location of the

Restoring memory creation in older or damaged brains

Aging or impaired brains can once again form lasting memories if an enzyme that applies

Dietary Flavanols Reverse Age-Related Memory Decline

Findings strengthen link between specific brain region and normal memory decline Dietary cocoa flavanols—naturally occurring bioactives found

English: Baddeley's model of working memory in English (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Researchers find drug therapy that could eventually reverse memory decline in seniors

Memory trouble doesn’t have to be inevitable, and they’ve found a drug therapy that could

Administering Natural Substance Spermidin Stopped Dementia

Feeding Fruit Flies with Spermidin Suppresses Age-dependent Memory Impairment Age-induced memory impairment can be suppressed

Scientists reverse memory loss in animal brain cells

Neuroscientists at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) have taken a