
A revolutionary biosensor that can detect skin cancer with exceptional sensitivity
a) Demonstration of the flexibility of the biosensor. (b-c) fabricated metasurface biosensor under an optical
(a) A molecular jackhammer (blue) attaches itself to a cancer cell’s lipid bilayer lining. When stimulated with near-infrared light, it vibrates strongly, causing the cell membrane to tear open. (b) DAPI entering and staining nucleus of the membrane-disrupted A375 melanoma cells visualized by fluorescence confocal microscopy. Scale bar = 25 µm. (Image courtesy of Ciceron Ayala-Orozco/Rice University)
This study is about a different way to treat cancer
(a) A molecular jackhammer (blue) attaches itself to a cancer cell’s lipid bilayer lining. When
Researcher Dr. Jeffrey S. Weber led a clinical trial that found adding a vaccine to an immunotherapy reduced melanoma recurrence. PHOTO: JULIANA THOMAS
Reducing the likelihood of melanoma recurring or causing death by 44 percent
Researcher Dr. Jeffrey S. Weber led a clinical trial that found adding a vaccine to
A handheld device being developed at Stevens Institute of Technology can scan skin and detect different types of skin cancer, such as carcinoma (left), squamous cell carcinoma (middle), and actinic keratosis (right).
Painlessly identifying skin cancers with a new hand-held scanning device
A handheld device being developed at Stevens Institute of Technology can scan skin and detect
Can artificial intelligence help detect melanoma?
Using wide-field images and deep learning, researchers developed an analysis system of suspicious pigmented skin
Are artificial intelligence skin cancer diagnostics equal to or even better than those of a dermatologist?
via Reddit Are artificial intelligence skin cancer diagnostics equal to or even better than those
A new non-invasive method for detection of melanoma is 90 percent accurate
Novel method developed by Lithuanian scientists can reach more than 90% accuracy in detecting melanoma
New nanosystem doubles the therapeutic effectiveness of medications for melanoma – in animals
"We believe that its potential for enhancing therapeutics for different diseases is practically endless." New
Could the cure for melanoma be a compound derived from a marine invertebrate?
Synoicum adareanum: The Antarctic sea squirt, Synoicum adareanum at 80’ (24 meters) lives amongst the
A handheld device for diagnosing skin cancer could reduce need for painful biopsies by 50 perceny

The proven technology will be designed into a handheld device that could reduce need for

A nano-vaccine for melanoma works for mice

Injection of nanoparticle has proven effective in mouse models, researchers say Researchers at Tel Aviv University have

Fat cells are found to help melanoma spread to vital organs

Fat cells allow melanoma cells to penetrate the dermis, from which they spread, causing fatal

The ability to detect and treat melanoma in its earliest stages

A University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) research team led by Vladimir Zharov, Ph.D.,

A laser microscope that could both diagnose diseases and perform incredibly precise surgery—all without cutting skin

UBC researchers develop new laser microscope that could be ‘revolutionary’ for treatment of diseases such

Spotting melanoma early with a new low-cost probe

Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is diagnosed in more than 130,000 people globally