Machine Learning

Machine-learning system spontaneously reproduces aspects of human neurology

How the brain recognizes faces MIT researchers and their colleagues have developed a new computational

A sound recognition system that learns by watching videos

Machine-learning system doesn’t require costly hand-annotated data. In recent years, computers have gotten remarkably good

Machine / deep learning aids radiologists in detecting and tracking tumors

Physicians have long used visual judgment of medical images to determine the course of cancer

Meet RobERt, the dreaming detective for exoplanet atmospheres

Machine-learning techniques that mimic human recognition and dreaming processes are being deployed in the search

New eye-tracking system uses ordinary cellphone camera

Crowd-sourced data yields system that determines where mobile-device users are looking. For the past 40

Machine learning as good as, or better than, human reviewers in cancer surveillance

Machine learning has come of age in public health reporting according to researchers from the

nEmesis Fights Foodborne Illnesses with Machine Learning

It’s happened to many of us. We eat at a restaurant with less than ideal

Building a better mouse trap, from the atoms up

For most of human history, the discovery of new materials has been a crapshoot. But

A New Quantum Approach to Big Data Means Impossibly Complex Problems Could Be Solvable

From gene mapping to space exploration, humanity continues to generate ever-larger sets of data —

Machine teaching holds the power to illuminate human learning

Human learning is a complex, sometimes mysterious process. Most of us have had experiences where

Artificial intelligence improves fine wine price prediction

The price fluctuation of fine wines can now be predicted more accurately using a novel

AI for Enterprise Applications to Reach $11.1 Billion, Deep Learning will be Breakout Technology

After 60 years of false starts, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with probability and

Why Neural Networks Look Set to Thrash the Best Human Go Players for the First Time

One of the last bastions of human mastery over computers is about to fall to

Cooperation of intelligent machines: The robot gripper hands over a workpiece to a mobile platform that moves it to the next stage. (Photo: Irina Westermann)
Intelligent Machines for Tomorrow’s Factory

Mass production of industrial goods, such as furniture, clothing or ball pens, is inexpensive. In

Carnegie Mellon computer searches web 24/7 to analyze images and teach itself common sense

NEIL program labels images, learns associations with minimal help from people A computer program called