Internet of Things

Data Singularity: Looking Beyond the Internet of Things

If you have sent email on Google or used Microsoft’s browser or databases, you have

Smart walkers (rollators) for the elderly

VTT has made the traditional walker (rollator) smart by retrofitting it with sensors and digital

Making the ‘Internet of Things’ configuration more secure and easy-to-use

With an ever increasing number of everyday objects from our homes, workplaces and even from

Security thinking for the internet of things

In the nascent “internet of things”, security is the last thing on people’s minds BARBIE

CMU Leads Google Expedition to Create Technology for Internet of Things

Carnegie Mellon University will turn its campus into a living laboratory for a Google-funded, multi-university

Put That Nest Thermostat to Work

How a new cloud computing system could turn anyone into a tech entrepreneur That Nest

“Energy-Generating Rubber” Combines Flexibility and High-Output

Ricoh today announced that it has created a novel flexible material “Energy-Generating Rubber” that converts

The Sensor-Rich, Data-Scooping Future

The technology world is looking at ways to make everything more efficient.  The question is,

Data driven discoveries: Imagine smart cities with thousands of strategically placed sensors

The Array of Things, The Internet of Things, ultimately, “smart” cities have to feature hundreds,

First all-digital radio transmitter – huge breakthrough for the Internet of Things and Beyond

It  opens the door to a new dynamic way in which the predicted 100 billion

Radio chip for the “Internet of things”

Circuit that reduces power leakage when transmitters are idle could greatly extend battery life. At

An Internet of Things reality check

Connecting different kinds of devices, not just computers and communications devices, to the Internet could

F.T.C. Says Internet-Connected Devices Pose Big Risks – Internet of Things

Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday confirmed some of the worst fears about Internet-connected devices, saying

CES: F.T.C. Chairwoman Notes Concerns Raised by Connected Devices

The head of the Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday offered a prescription for protecting consumer

CES 2015: Samsung calls for openness on net of things

The push to create an “internet of things” (IoT) will fail unless electronics firms collaborate