harvesting energy

In nature when wood dries out from being soaked, it gives off an electrical charge. Researchers at KTH in Sweden showed that if the wood's composition is nanoengineered the right way, the phenomenon can be turned into a power source. CREDIT David Callahan/KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Who knew? Harvesting electricity from wood soaking in water
In nature when wood dries out from being soaked, it gives off an electrical charge.
Harvesting ocean energy to generate an eco-friendly and widely available form of renewable energy

Inspired by membranes in the body tissues of living organisms, scientists have combined aramid nanofibers

Harvesting energy from human motion could power your cell phone for a week

The day of charging cellphones with finger swipes and powering Bluetooth headsets simply by walking

Playgrounds Transform Children’s Energy into Harvestable Electricity

Children seem to be a source of never ending energy, exhausting parents and teachers alike.