
Clean limitless power for small devices and sensors from graphene?
A team of University of Arkansas physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing
In the experiments conducted by Balandin and the other researchers, they were surprised that the improvement of thermal properties of graphene coated copper films was significant despite the fact that graphene’s thickness is only one atom. The puzzle was solved after they realized the improvement is the result of changes in copper’s nano-
Creating a Graphene-Metal Sandwich to Improve Electronics

UC Riverside and University of Manchester researchers combine graphene and copper in hopes of shrinking

Not-weak knots bolster carbon fiber

New material created at Rice University with graphene oxide flakes Large flakes of graphene oxide

Graphite could revolutionize mass data storage AND circuit design

Graphite has long been known to have unique electrical properties and has therefore been put forward by many as a possible substitute for silicon for use in integrated circuitry.