deep learning

Making computers explain themselves: not only predictions and classifications but rationales for their decisions

New training technique would reveal the basis for machine-learning systems’ decisions. In recent years, the

Meet RobERt, the dreaming detective for exoplanet atmospheres

Machine-learning techniques that mimic human recognition and dreaming processes are being deployed in the search

Machines can learn to respond to new situations like human beings would

How does the image-recognition technology in a self-driving car respond to a blurred shape suddenly

“Deep Learning” to Assist Overburdened Diagnosticians

Researcher engineers a cutting-edge solution for radiologists and other medical staff Some 2 billion X-rays

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Master of Go Is Walloped by Google Computer Program

Computer, one. Human, zero. A Google computer program stunned one of the world’s top players

Progress Toward Software That Reasons Like Humans

Richard Socher appeared nervous as he waited for his artificial intelligence program to answer a

Smart glasses with stereo vision and deep-learning algorithms for virtual keyboards and more

KAIST researchers upgraded their smart glasses with a low-power multicore processor to employ stereo vision

Energy-friendly chip can perform powerful artificial-intelligence tasks and implement neural networks

MIT researchers have designed a new chip to implement neural networks. It is 10 times

Researchers Develop Deep-Learning Method to Predict Daily Activities

Researchers from the School of Interactive Computing and the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines

New company plans to revolutionize genomic medicine with deep learning

Deep learning has already had a huge impact on computer vision and speech recognition, and

New ‘deep learning’ technique enables robot mastery of skills via trial and error

UC Berkeley researchers have developed algorithms that enable robots to learn motor tasks through trial

AI for Enterprise Applications to Reach $11.1 Billion, Deep Learning will be Breakout Technology

After 60 years of false starts, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with probability and

Gigabyte gourmet: AI robot learns to cook just by watching YouTube videos

A team of American and Australian researchers claim they have created algorithms that enable robots