
Paving the way for small but mighty robotic devices that can punch well above their weight
An interdisciplinary team of roboticists, engineers and biologists modeled the mechanics of the mantis shrimp’s
Biomimetic strategy leads to strong, synthetic recyclable rubber

Inspired by nature, Chinese scientists have produced a synthetic analogue to vulcanized natural rubber. Their

Delivering killer protein to cancer using camouflaged nanoparticles

A biomimetic nanosystem can deliver therapeutic proteins to selectively target cancerous tumors, according to a

A new more affordable way to make nanoparticles could lead to a whole new way of delivering biotherapeutic drugs

In a rare move, a Houston Methodist researcher is sharing his recipe for a new,

An electricity generator that mimics trees

Money doesn’t grow on trees, but electricity might someday. Iowa State University scientists have built

A robotic stingray, powered by light-activated rat cells

Researchers have created a robotic mimic of a stingray that’s powered and guided by light-sensitive

Electronic micro labs control chemical processes from the inside imitating nature

Autonomous micro labs the size of cells that monitor chemical systems  from the inside –

Breakthrough fuel cell membrane inspired by cactus

Inspired by the humble cactus, a new type of membrane has the potential to significantly

Teams of Tiny Ant-like Robots Can Move a 2-Ton Car

Archimedes pointed out that with a lever he could move the world. He most likely

A New Type of Wind Turbine

Since childhood, Michael Carruth, a junior in the environmental design program at CU-Boulder, has been

Pulling water from thin air


Hybrid material presents potential for 4-D-printed adaptive devices

Combining photo-responsive fibers with thermo-responsive gels, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh’s Swanson School of

Scientists from NTU Singapore find electrifying solution to sticky problem

Inspired by the limitations of biomimetic glues in wet environments, scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Programming adult stem cells to treat muscular dystrophy and more by mimicking nature

Stem cells hold great potential for addressing a variety of conditions from spinal cord injuries

Building a Machine to Mimic What Sea Lions Naturally Do – Moving Without Creating a Wake

GW Professor Designs Robotic Foreflipper That Mimics Mammal’s Movement, Hoping it Will Aid Mechanical Innovation