biomedical engineering

Using biointegrated LEDs to stimulate nerves

A team of neuroscientists and engineers has developed a tiny, implantable device that has potential

New printing technique could be used to develop remotely controlled biomedical devices

Magnetic 3-D-printed structures crawl, roll, jump, and play catch MIT engineers have created soft, 3-D-printed

Light-powered 3-D Printer Creates Terahertz Lens

The new lens could be used for biomedical research and security imaging From visible light

‘Google Maps’ for the body: a biomedical revolution

UNSW biomedical engineer Melissa Knothe Tate is using previously top-secret semiconductor technology to zoom through

3-D engineered bone marrow makes functioning platelets

Scalable model supports patient-specific treatments, advanced study of blood disorders A team led by researchers

Scientists find strongest natural material

Limpet teeth might be the strongest natural material known to man, a new study has

Development of New Biomedical Implants With The Ability of Bone Healing Accelerating

A major success in developing new biomedical implants with the ability to accelerate bone healing

IMG_6843 (Photo credit: Hapshaw)
Breakthrough Technology Can Repair Severe Tissue Damage

Future applications could include treatment for disfigurement after radical cancer surgery A breakthrough by Israeli

From slowdown to shutdown — US leadership in biomedical research takes a blow, says ASCB

American Society for Cell Biology warns that temporary shutdown is inflicting long-term damage on American

Designing Interlocking Building Blocks to Create Complex Tissues

Next steps in the application of this new technique include fabrication of different types of