
Aging delayed . . . in mice for now

An enzyme in blood of young mice extends life span New research has identified a

A new strategy of maintaining telomere length could potentially treat age-related disease and decline

A study led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine has uncovered a new strategy

A new mechanism of lifespan extension that links caloric restriction with immune system regulation

Joslin researchers show that caloric restriction lowers levels of innate immunity and inflammation, leading to

Could Rubicon be a key to increased lifespan?

Autophagy is an important biological recycling mechanism that is used to maintain homeostasis (balance or

A new CRISPR-Cas9 therapy can suppress aging, enhance health and extend life span in mice

Putting the brakes on aging Aging is a leading risk factor for a number of

Targeting the aging process itself rather than individual conditions or concerns

Medical care for older adults has long focused on preventing and treating chronic diseases and

New study shows that fasting really does ramp up the human metabolism with verifiable beneficial effects

Fasting may help people lose weight, but new research suggests going without food may also

Could an antibiotic protect against neurodegenerative diseases during aging?

The antibiotic minocycline increases the lifespan of aged roundworms and prevents the buildup of proteins,

Life-extending effects in worms could one day translate into treatments that delay ageing in humans

Yale-NUS researchers discover drug cocktail that increases lifespan A team of researchers led by Principal

Have researchers discovered how to slow aging using Fisetin?

Natural product found to reduce the level of damaged cells in the body, caused by

Fasting or caloric restriction can have anti-aging effects on the vascular system

A molecule produced during fasting or calorie restriction has anti-aging effects on the vascular system,

It’s possible to reverse damage caused by aging cells

What’s the secret to aging well? University of Minnesota Medical School researchers have answered it- on

A whole new generation of anti-degeneration drugs me be on the horizon

The breakthrough could be “basis for a new generation of anti-degeneration drugs.” Key aspects of

Discovered: A protein that represents a central switching point in the aging process

Every cell and every organism ages sooner or later. But why is this so? Scientists

Senolytic drugs reverse damage caused by senescent cells extending health and life spans in mice

NIH-funded researchers see extended health span and life span in treated mice Injecting senescent cells