
Single gene change increases mouse lifespan by 20 percent

NIH intramural study also shows that individual organs are affected differently By lowering the expression

Statins may slow human aging

This opens the door for using statins, or derivatives of statins, as an anti-aging therapy

Slowing the aging process — only with antibiotics

A lifespan extension of 60 percent has been achieved in worms by disrupting a mechanism

Boosting ‘cellular garbage disposal’ can delay the aging process

UCLA life scientists have identified a gene previously implicated in Parkinson’s disease that can delay

Hypothalamus and Aging: Brain Region May Hold Key to Aging

While the search continues for the Fountain of Youth, researchers may have found the body’s

The tablet of youth

“Most likely, people in the future will take a cocktail of molecules that can slow

Scientists Discover How Drug Slows Aging and Cancer

University of Montreal researchers have discovered a novel molecular mechanism that can potentially slows the

Anti-ageing drug breakthrough

Drugs that combat ageing may be available within five years, following landmark work led by

The Achilles’ Heal of Aging

Understanding the biological basis of senescence may allow us to delay or prevent the degenerative