3D printing

Thank 3D Printing for a Painless Flu Shot

Rice University undergraduates develop a quick and easy way to numb the skin, making shots

Intellectual Property in 3D printing

The implications of intellectual property in 3D printing have been outlined in two documents created

A Call to Change Recycling Standards as 3-D Printing Expands

The 3-D printing revolution has changed the way we think about plastics. Everything from children’s

The Next Big Step in 3-D printing technology – liquids

Allows ready-to-use products to be made 25 to 100 times faster A 3-D printing technology

UC Berkeley Unveils First-of-its-Kind, Architectural-Scale, 3D Printed Cement Structure

A University of California, Berkeley, research team led by Ronald Rael, an associate professor of

What If We Replaced Your Unhealthy Afternoon Snack With A 3-D Printed Healthy Alternative?

A printer would lay a base layer of pasta or dough and fill it with

3D printing: Australian researchers create jet engine, breakthrough captures attention of Airbus and Boeing

Australian researchers have created the world’s first 3D-printed jet engine in a manufacturing breakthrough that

3-D printing with custom molecules creates low-cost mechanical sensor

Imagine printing out molecules that can respond to their surroundings. A research project at the

Bavarian medical ‘breakthrough’ with 3D printed spider silk

Liquified spider silk extruded in a gel via a three-dimensional printer could soon be regenerating

3D reconstruction software for antique auto parts and prehispanic objects

Researchers at the University of Guadalajara, in Mexico, in collaboration with the University of the

Nasa emails spanner to space station

Astronauts on the International Space Station have used their 3-D printer to make a wrench

3D printing to the rescue of gastronomy for frail seniors

Researchers are now developing personalised food for elderly people with chewing or swallowing problems, by

3D-printed castle heralds future of click-and-print architecture

Though 3D printing technology is still relatively new, it may become an important tool for

Louisiana Tech researchers use 3D printers to create custom medical implants

Breakthrough technology creates materials infused with cancer-fighting drugs, antibiotics A team of researchers at Louisiana

NASA Engineer Set to Complete First 3-D-Printed Space Cameras

By the end of September, NASA aerospace engineer Jason Budinoff is expected to complete the