3D printed robots

Creating soft and flexible 3D-printed robots in minutes without any special equipment
Thanks to 'flexoskeletons,' these insect-inspired robots are faster and cheaper to make Creating soft and
3-D-printed robots with shock-absorbing skins leading to other great possibilities as well

By “programming” customized soft materials, CSAIL team can 3-D print safer, nimbler, more durable robots.

Researchers Build a Crawling Robot From Sea Slug Parts and a 3-D Printed Body

Swarms could one day search the depths of fresh and saltwater Researchers at Case Western

First-ever 3-D printed robots made of both solids and liquids

System from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab 3-D prints hydraulically-powered robot bodies, with no

3D-printed Robot is Hard at Heart, Soft on Outside

First of its kind robot is inspired by nature, capable of multiple jumps Engineers at

Using 3D printers to print out self-learning robots

When the robots of the future are set to extract minerals from other planets, they

3D-Printed Robot Cracks Any Android PIN

Using a PIN to lock your Android phone will keep it safe from most people,