Tablet Computers Acceptable for Reading EEG Results, Mayo Clinic Study Says

English: A Lenovo X61 tablet laptop shown in tablet mode, with its built-in stylus out. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mayo Clinic physicians in Arizona have shown that tablet computers can be used to analyze electroencephalogram or EEG results outside of the clinic or hospital.

Their study findings were recently presented at the American Academy of Neurology conference in San Diego.

“The fact that this gives doctors the ability to read EEG results from anywhere can only help patients in the long run,” says Matthew Hoerth, M.D., a neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona.

An EEG is a painless procedure that uses electrodes attached to a person’s scalp to detect electrical activity in the brain. Brain cells are constantly communicating via electrical impulses, even when someone is asleep. This activity shows up as wavy lines on an EEG recording.

The objective was to determine whether a computer tablet is an acceptable alternative to the traditional laptop for remote EEG interpretation. The findings showed that the tablet cost significantly less and weighed less than the laptop and had a comparable screen resolution. The greatest disadvantage to the tablet compared to the laptop is screen size. Boot-up time was significantly longer for the laptop and desktop.

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