The Smarter Science of Slim

From the Amazon description:

As our knowledge of the human body becomes ever more exact, scientists have made remarkable leaps forward in many fields. Yet for one question that many of us would like answered–What causes the body to burn fat?–we find all sorts of confusing claims. Since we know so much about how our body works, can’t science tell us the answer?

As it turns out, science already has.

I have spent over ten years reading thousands of fat-loss studies. Not theories promoted by diet gurus. Only the proven data.

My investigation uncovered all kinds of scientific findings:
– Studies stating how certain foods cripple our ability to burn fat
– Scientists showing how to burn fat while eating more food
– Researchers revealing how to get all the benefits of traditional exercise in a tenth of the time
– Physiologists finding out how eating less sets us up to gain fat in the long run
– Doctors discussing how a few minutes of a new form of exercise immunizes us against fat gain
– Endocrinologists explaining how we fix the underlying condition causing us to gain fat

We deserve to know the proven facts about fat loss, but who has time to read tens of thousands of pages of scientific studies? The study took me more than a decade. It should not take you that long because the facts have been summarized in this book. They have also been simplified, so anyone who wants to lose weight can understand them. Make no mistake. Tons of clinical studies have shown the best way to trim off those unwanted pounds.

It is time to stop listening to marketing myths about how to lose weight. We tried it. It failed. It is time to move on to a smarter science of slim.

“Proven and practical.”
—Dr. Theodoros Kelesidis
Harvard & UCLA Medical Schools

“The latest and best scientific research.”
—Dr. John J. Ratey
Harvard Medical School

“An important piece of work.”
—Dr. Anthony Accurso
Johns Hopkins

“Smart and health promoting.”
—Dr. JoAnn E. Manson
Harvard Medical School

“The last diet book you will ever need to buy.”
—Dr. Larry Dossey
Medical City Dallas Hospital

“Revolutionary, surprising, and scientifically sound.”
—Dr. Jan Friden
University of Gothenburg

“Compelling, simple, and practical.”
—Dr. Steve Yeaman
Newcastle University

“Stimulating and provocative.”
—Dr. Soren Toubro
University of Copenhagen

“Amazing and important research.”
—Dr. Wayne Westcott
Quincy College

“Brilliant. Will end your confusion once and for all.”
—Dr. William Davis
Fellowship of the American College of Cardiology, author of Wheat Belly

See Also

“Bailor’s work stands alone.”
—Maik Wiedenbach
World Cup and Olympic Athlete

“Bailor opens the black box of fat loss and makes it simple for you to explore the facts.”
—Joel Harper
Dr. Oz Show fitness expert

“A groundbreaking paradigm shift. It gets results and changes lives.”
—Jade Teta, ND, CSCS
author of The New ME Diet

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Having read The Smarter Science of Slim with great interest, the science and easy-to-understand explanations makes great sense to me.  We have spoken with him in some depth about the methodology, theory and the results people have already achieved.  This is no system designed to keep you constantly coming back and paying more – just the scientific facts and some ways to go about trying things for yourself via an interesting hands-on workbook . . . IT



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