University of Greenwich

The University of Greenwich is a public research university located in London and Kent, United Kingdom

Could tinted solar panels generate electricity and produce nutritionally-superior crops simultaneously?

Breakthroughs in agriculture research on insect pest management

These breakthroughs hold a lot of significance for Nigerian agriculture Insect pests have been a perennial concern in agriculture because of the devastating effects they have on crops: eating the leaves, making crops susceptible to diseases, destroying crops, reducing crop yield, etc. This has led to the proliferation of pesticides, especially chemical pesticides. And then,

Breakthroughs in agriculture research on insect pest management

Waste glass could be used to clean water

Nobody has previously thought to use waste glass in this way While you may feel quite virtuous when you leave all your glass containers out for recycling, you might be surprised to know that much of your colored glass won’t be used. That’s because even though there’s a fairly constant demand for recycled clear glass,

Waste glass could be used to clean water

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