Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL)

The Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) performs basic research in optical metrology, optical communication, new optical materials, plasmonics and nanophotonics and optical applications in biology and medicine

One of quantum mechanics’ strangest and most useful phenomena can be triggered by a ultrathin device

Acoustic waves on microchips opens the door to a low-heat, low-energy fast internet

Controlling quantum computers with artificial intelligence

Neural networks enable learning of error correction strategies for computers based on quantum physics Quantum computers could solve complex tasks that are beyond the capabilities of conventional computers. However, the quantum states are extremely sensitive to constant interference from their environment. The plan is to combat this using active protection based on quantum error correction.

Controlling quantum computers with artificial intelligence

Transparent, electrically conductive network of encapsulated silver nanowires uses 70 times less silver

A team headed by Prof. Silke Christiansen has developed a transparent electrode with high electrical conductivity for solar cells and other optoelectronic components – that uses minimal amounts of material. It consists of a random network of silver nanowires that is coated with aluminium-doped zinc oxide. The novel electrode requires about 70 times less silver

Transparent, electrically conductive network of encapsulated silver nanowires uses 70 times less silver

Squeezed quantum communication: Flashes of light in quantum states transmitted through atmosphere

Scientists have sent a pulse of bright light in a particularly sensitive quantum state through 1.6 kilometers of air. This quantum state, which they call squeezed, was maintained, which is something many physicists thought to be impossible. Eavesdropping on a message protected by quantum cryptography cannot be done without being noticed. It could be difficult

Squeezed quantum communication: Flashes of light in quantum states transmitted through atmosphere

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