Visits 1

University and

Research Institution Visits

Superinsects Are Thriving in This Summer’s Drought

Engineered Red Blood Cells Could Carry Precious Therapeutic Cargo

NHS DNA scheme to fight cancer and genetic diseases

Oil rigs and wind turbines may end their days as valuable artificial reefs

Art therapy can work on moderately severe to severe depression

Magic Finger turns any surface into a touch interface

Could a mutation in a common enzyme be the cause of Alzheimer’s?

New Japanese Wind Turbine Triples Power Output Without Increasing Size

Kinect could bring touch-free interface to operating theaters

BESC creates microbe that bolsters isobutanol production by 10x

Scientists Find Way to Maintain Quantum Entanglement in Amplified Signals

Wisdom of the crowd corrected for bias gets accurate

What if plastic bags could be upcycled into high-value products?

Diphtheria is evolving to become antimicrobial resistant and this is not good news on a global basis

Build Music With Blocks: Audio D-Touch

Typical office scanner can be used as a cyberattack tool via laser or smartbulb

Radio Waves Carry News of Climate Change

Simulating quantum computer properties in a classical computer to help build quantum computers

Researchers reverse the aging process for human adult stem cells

Many forensic methods have never been scientifically validated – a major issue

Car-Pooling Makes a Surge on Apps and Social Media

Hatching Ideas, and Companies, by the Dozens at M.I.T.

Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Unimaginable liquid materials for new technological innovations

University launches innovative hydrogen car in India

Laser manipulates electronic properties opening the door for innovative electronics

Researchers Developing 3D Printer, ‘Bio-Ink’ to Create Human Organs

World first GPS goggles with head mounted display

A Hotel With No Fixed Address

Using low-cost microphones to track the spread of disease between animals and people in the wild

Could simple baking soda boost cancer therapy?

Donghua University

Steel City Project Converts Gasoline Cars to Run on Electricity

A new type of treatment for osteoarthritis?

Living photovoltaics

A key step in improving agricultural efficiency and yield in corn

New bio-based smart skin is a flexible color-changing film inspired by chameleons

Exciting opportunities for terahertz technologies just moved closer

Love Hertz: At Least for Dengue and Yellow Fever Carrying Mosquitoes

A shot in the dark: Can traumatic memories be erased?

Step 1: Post Elusive Proof. Step 2: Watch Fireworks.

Bucknell professors help rats go high-tech to root out land mines

Terahertz wireless technology could bring one hundred gigabits per second speeds out of a fiber

Major challenge solved in the production of low-cost solar cells

The first common genetic risk factors for ADHD

Can a vaccine stop drug abuse?

Caterpillar found to eat shopping bags: A biodegradable solution to plastic pollution?

Electrokinetic Mining Technology: Reducing the environmental impact of rare earth elements recovery

Turning 2D sheets into 3D objects by remote control

It is now possible to obtain the structures of small molecules, such as certain hormones and medications, in as little as 30 minutes

This Robotic Bee Just Took Flight, To Pollinate Crops And (Maybe) Spy On You

Lights of the Future

Microbiomes could hold keys to improving life as we know it

Flexible supercapacitor could have big advantages over batteries for wearable devices

New bone tissue generation technique

How will we recharge all the electric cars?

Research Opens the Way to Living Implants

A functioning hybrid solar energy converter reaches 85.1 percent efficiency

Understanding the Internet of Things: Towards a Smart Planet

Airbus patents windowless cockpit that would increase pilots’ field of view

Changing climate conditions have taken a toll on insects in the tropics

Nano-spike catalysts convert carbon dioxide directly into ethanol

Artificial Limbs Rewired to Nerve Endings Restore Patient Sensations

What if your house plant could tell you your water isn’t safe?

The Diabetes ‘Breathalyzer’

Is Population a Problem?

New wastewater treatment technique protects fish from antidepressants

A groundbreaking technology that can recognize human emotions in real time

Better batteries from waste sulfur

U.S. Could Double Energy Productivity

Phoney protection for passwords

New Compound Excels at Killing Persistent and Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Huge Potential of Nanocrystals to Raise Efficiency in Fuel Cells

Smart Headlights See through Rain and Snow

Floating solar photovoltaics could generate about 10 percent of U. S. annual electricity production

Biometric ID Technologies ‘Inherently Fallible’

Nanostructures improve the efficiency of solar cells

A flexible electronic skin achieves a level of sensitivity and precision that’s consistent with human hands

HyperSolar concentrator could boost solar cell output by 400 percent

A self-eating rocket engine

A large scale expansion in bioenergy crop production could be just as detrimental to biodiversity as climate change itself

URI researchers release new biological agent to fight invasive weed

Seoul National University (SNU)

Plasma technology offers clean fuel breakthrough

Implantable device reduces seizures by 93 percent in three months in epileptic rats

Viruses take down massive algal blooms, with big implications for climate

Fight to Keep Alternative Energy Local Stymies New Transmission Lines

All eyes on the sharing economy

Addressing solar power’s intermittency problem in renewable energy heating systems

Is blockchain the most secure communications strategy for teams of robots?

Fix for 3-Billion-Year-Old Genetic Error Could Dramatically Improve Genetic Sequencing

A new electrode could free up 20% more light from organic light-emitting diodes

Peter Thiel Bets Big On 3-D Printed Meat

60 Lives, 30 Kidneys, All Linked

Researchers have identified an anti-inflammatory fat in a soil-dwelling bacterium that could lead to a stress vaccine

Grasp telepresence robot puts a remote teacher on your shoulder

A new device can detect brain tumors using urine

Innovation Toronto 3.0

Satellites Show Shrinking Aquifers in Drought-Stricken Areas

Hydrogen Causes Metal to Break

Visions for open evaluation of scientific papers by post-publication peer review

Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care for the Aging

New tech could take light-based cancer treatment deep inside the body

More precious than gold

Swarms of winged flyers for Mars exploration

Good news for region’s trains – new invention

Paving the way for near real-time global biodiversity monitoring by satellite

Shrink-wrapping spacesuits

A potentially disruptive new class of materials is expected to be among the hardest materials and the highest melting points in existence

Scientists create painless patch of insulin-producing beta cells to control diabetes


Heal thyself: Rubbery polymer self-repairs under light exposure

ITMO University

ORNL technique could set new course for extracting uranium from seawater

Ultrasound can change brain functions for up to an hour

Two new types of transistor may lead to simpler, more efficient computers

Global taskforce calls for research into everyday chemicals that may cause cancer

Stem Cell Injection May Soon Reverse Vision Loss Caused By Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Beyond military drones – the future of unmanned flight

A new type of cooling cube could revolutionize how food is kept cold and shipped fresh without relying on ice or traditional cooling packs

A natural herbicide alternative to controversial glyphosate?

Loss of Memory Due to Aging May Be Reversible

Researchers find new phase of carbon – Q-carbon, make diamond at room temperature

US$25 Raspberry Pi personal computer nears launch date

University Hospital of Zürich

Electrical brain stimulation improves the mood of people suffering from depression

Could we get lower nuclear energy costs by using artificial intelligence?

Earable computing could be the next significant milestone in wearable devices

New glass is biodegradable and biorecyclable?

Liquid metal makes silicon crystals at record low temperatures

NOROROT robotic vehicle could lead to stair-climbing wheelchairs by 2017

New Drug Candidates Show Promise for Cure for Chagas Disease

Cyborg organoids: Stretchable, integrated mesh nanoelectronics grow with developing cells

Growth of Cities Endangers Global Environment

One step closer to artificial muscles with gel-based robotics

Slowed Aging from Dietary Restriction Brings Us One Step Closer to Human Therapeutics

Making buildings out of wood instead of concrete and steel turns them into CO2 sinks

Are you as old as what you eat? Researchers learn how to rejuvenate aging immune cells

UF/IFAS researchers find chemicals that treat citrus greening in the lab

Dairy researchers identify bacterial spoilers in milk

New smart bandage releases healing substances when infection and inflammation heat is detected

Fast Laser Could Revolutionize Data Communications

Chemists Invent Powerful Toolkit, Accelerating Creation of Potential New Drugs

Novel Drug Shuts Down Master Protein Key to Lymphoma

A high-powered fuel cell operates at double the voltage to boosts electric-powered submersibles and drones

Aurasma Augmented Reality App

MIT Top 10 Technologies Likely to Change the World

Robotic Fish Gain New Sense: Navigate Water Currents and Turbulence

You can be identified by your heartbeat – really

Retrofittable anti-rollover truck system recognized

Turning water into ammonia with only renewable energy

Tongji University

Auto-Immune: “Symbiotes” Could Be Deployed to Thwart Cyber Attack

Bird-watchers add more than 48 million observations to ‘eBird’ database

A microfluidic organ chip model of the human blood-brain barrier for development of brain-targeting therapeutics

VIDEO – Ken Robinson: How to escape education’s death valley

Photonics advances allow us to be seen across the universe and to see anyone else – – from your own backyard

Starving the Future

Miniature medical analytic devices that could make Star Trek’s tricorder seem a bit bulky in comparison

Matternet would use UAVs to deliver supplies to remote villages

Could an already existing drug offer a real treatment for Ebola?

ProScope Micro Mobile Turns Your iPhone or iPad into a Microscope

A new discovery heralds an exciting future for organic electronics

Researcher Testing Biological Treatment for Pathogens That Are Killing Honeybees and Bats

Scientists have developed a novel chemical process that may lead to the creation of a new class of antibiotics

New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi Users

University of Chicago Medical Center

Harnessing Robots to Study Inaccessible Arctic

Scientists Use DNA to Assemble a Transistor from Graphene

Machines with built-in copy protection against counterfeit parts

Using the dark underside of a solar panel could also convert sunlight to electricity

Preventing quan­tum computers from cra­shing

World-first study predicts epilepsy seizures in humans

Using cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology that can monitor global reef health remotely

Researchers Teaching Robots to Feel and React to Pain

Octopus arm inspires future surgical tool

NYPD developing portable body scanner for detecting concealed weapons

Using ultrasound to activate an anticancer agent with few side effects

A robot that knows when to water crops?

A plastic clothing material that cools the skin cutting the need for AC

These “Farmscrapers” Are Entire Cities In Crazy, Wobbly Looking Towers

Never seen before self-assembled materials with unprecedented complexity

Hydrogel could grow new heart tissue, without the need for surgery

Just how much could virtual reality be used to change human behavior?

Quirky to Create a Smart-Home Products Company

New Soccer Robot Has Human-Like Agility

New Cancer Diagnostic Technique Debuts

A new approach to tactile sensing is based on inexpensive components that can meet or exceed the sensitivity of human skin

New device harnesses sun and sewage to produce hydrogen fuel

Hitting the brakes by reading drivers’ minds – innovation

Techies do not believe that artificial intelligence will run out of control, but there are other ethical worries

Brighter & Clearer Ultrasound Images + Improved Diagnosis

Cash Crops With Dividends: Financiers Transforming Strawberries Into Securities

A Display That Makes Interactive 3-D Seem Mind-Bogglingly Real

Solid-State Energy Storage Takes a Leap Forward

Vehicle body made from cotton, hemp, and wood

Tiny swimming bio-bots boldly go where no bot has swum before

2D materials unlock an entire new field of research full of surprises

A Staff of Robots

Managing Scientific Inquiry in a Laboratory the Size of the Web

AI clones made from user data pose uncanny risks

Rediscovering The Lost Role Models For Girls Who Want To Be Scientists

Sorghum Eyed as a Southern Bioenergy Crop

Personalized exoskeletons can enhance human abilities and aid rehabilitation

New ‘Biowire’ Technology Matures Human Heart by Mimicking Fetal Heartrate

Scrap “unwinnable” drugs war and divert funds into curbing global antibiotic misuse

How to Build a More Resilient Electric Grid

Why Toyota and GM Are Pushing Fuel-Cell Cars to Market

Baby’s life saved with groundbreaking 3D printed device from University of Michigan that restored his breathing

A thermal power nanogenerator with no solid moving parts

Discovery of a powerful pain reliever that acts on a previously unknown pain pathway

Life-saving HIV treatment to reach millions more

The stress of spaceflight can reactivate viruses such as Herpes, putting future deep-space missions in jeopardy

Dances with waves: breakthrough in moving small objects using acoustics

Can AI-generated arguments change minds on controversial hot-button issues?

Newest HPV vaccine is highly effective at preventing HPV infection and disease

Radar that can see around corners

Monitoring lung disease with a smart shirt

Microsoft previews new controller

A smart fabric sets off the alarm

Breakthrough receives funding, but are we ready for online shrinks

Farming the Future

Self-Taught Inventor Devises Mobile Anti-Theft Device

A new self-powered mosquito zapper could help control diseases

Why Open Source Is the Key to Cloud Innovation

Could a drug meant for Ebola also work against coronaviruses?

Parkinson’s Treatment Can Trigger Creativity

Methane, normally flared off at remote sites, could be converted for use instead with new method

Machines with built-in copy protection against counterfeit parts

Smart Skin: Electronics That Stick and Stretch Like a Temporary Tattoo

Chinese supermarket trialling WiFi-enabled tablet PC-equipped shopping carts

Designing a pop-up future

Autonomous Robots Made to Explore and Map Buildings

Healing damage after a heart attack with a new spray?

An effective, cost-saving way to detect natural gas pipeline leaks

The basis of a new type of quantum computer using sound rather than light

A hydrogen-powered research vessel is technically and economically feasible

Cosmetic drug delivery breakthrough: A new wrinkle on temporarily tightening skin

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Could tinted solar panels generate electricity and produce nutritionally-superior crops simultaneously?

Why China is the true game-changer between today and 2030

What is the effect of fasting on age-related diseases?

Northwestern scientists develop first liquid nanolaser

Novel nanoparticle made of common mineral may help keep tumor growth at bay

Could the abnormal expression of genes impact psychopathy?

More TV Shows Offering Reasons To Buy; Castle’s Successful Character-Written Novel

New Hope for Antivirals: Molecules That Burst Viruses’ Membranes Show Promise

The dawn of cyborg botany : Introducing a plant-robot hybrid

Childbirth-predicting software designed to warn of difficult deliveries

Microdrones, significantly smaller than red blood cells, can be controlled with light-driven nanomotors

Bioinspired fibers change color when stretched

Helping to detect brain aneurysms with artificial intelligence

Advancing the 3D bioprinting of complex tissues and structures

New transparent, light-harvesting material could lead to power generating windows

Strokes, delirium and other brain complications are reported from Covid-19 infections

VIDEO: A robot that runs like a cat

Tiny Metal Catalysts Produced by Bacteria Could Help Create Cheap and Sustainable Energy Solutions

T-waves will “speed up” computer memory by a factor of 1,000

Could a vaccine help the opioid epidemic?

New Chinese herbal medicine has significant potential in treating hepatitis C

Measuring the massive migration of sea creatures at night from space using lasers

By 2100, 96% of the global population may not have sufficient access to omega-3 fatty acid

Can High-Power Ultrasound Protect Produce from Pathogens?

Scientists set traps for atoms with single-particle precision – yet another big step to quantum computing

2 E-Mail Services Close and Destroy Data Rather Than Reveal Files

Genome engineering paves way for sickle cell cure

NASA Begins Testing of Revolutionary E-Sail Technology

Wearable biosensors will revolutionize the health care model

Universities Space Research Association

New technology could offer patients with brain disorders pills to regenerate neurons

UCSD students test fire 3D-printed metal rocket engine

New tech could take light-based cancer treatment deep inside the body

Mini autofocus lens mimics the human eye

Boffins crack superconducting graphene’s melting mystery

Bye-Bye, Facebook

Destroying cancer cells with ultrasound and microbubbles – non-invasively

Harvard study: Why important innovations stall; understanding obstacles to change is key to future

A new artificial intelligence system shows similar levels of diagnostic accuracy to those of a human pathologist

New 3M medical tape offers pain-free removal

Grid-Based Computing to Fight Neurological Disease

Breakthrough: Pill to check Alzheimer’s coming in 4 years

Trial Signals Major Milestone in Hunt for New TB Drugs

Could Mini Labs and Plant-Based Vaccines Stop the Next Pandemic?

Roundworm quells obesity and related metabolic disorders

A breakthrough for organic reactions in water

The latest on science’s reproducibility crisis

Bacteria-Powered Microrobots Plot a Course Using Electric Fields

A new laser-based breathalyzer can sniff out Covid and other diseases in real time

Scripps Research Institute Chemists Uncover Powerful New Click Chemistry Reactivity

Who knew? Harvesting electricity from wood soaking in water

NanoTech Leads to Break-Through in Stealth Technology

World’s fastest 2-D camera may enable new scientific discoveries

Using Graphene, Scientists Develop a Less Toxic Way to Rust-Proof Steel

Fishing for DNA: Free-floating eDNA identifies presence and abundance of ocean life

Transmission risk of airborne viruses can be quantified but a lot is still not understood

Preventing gum disease and other inflammatory disorders by disarming a blood-clotting protein?

Experimental optical fibers utilize built-in electronics instead of separate chips

This Solar-Powered Plane Is Driving Amazing Technological Breakthroughs (Plus, Flying With No Fuel)

Hyperdimensional computing theory could change the way AI works by helping robots to remember

Scientists are a step closer to developing artificial lymph nodes that can spark T-cells to fight disease

First flying microrobot with soft actuators

Investigating abnormalities in nerve connections in the brain could lead to new treatments for schizophrenia

Researchers show that polluted air can transmit bacteria resistant to our most powerful antibiotics

Honda’s predictive cruise control aims to detect lane-changes ahead of time

How about an RNA breakthrough that could bring a 50 percent increase to potato and rice yields?

A High-Tech Alternative for Hollywood Hopefuls

Researchers design ‘privacy filter’ for your photos that disables facial recognition systems

Lithum-sulphur batteries that can be recharged for more than 1,000 cycles

Making Web Sites Completely Addictive

Ultra-Ever Dry hydrophobic coating repels almost any liquid

Biodiversity Considerations Overshadowed by Climate Change

The first manufactured non-cuttable material

A new antibiotic fights resistant bacteria and needs help reaching patients

The first true lithium-air battery still functions after 750 charge/discharge cycles

World’s First Automated Trust Assessment System Announced

Sensor cable monitors fences of all kinds and can even detect low-level drone fly-bys

Synthesizing biodegradable plastic materials using sunlight and CO2!

Study in Mice Discovers Injection of Heat-Generating Cells Reduces Belly Fat

Best of 2014: Concrete 3D Printer Can Build Homes In Less Than One Day

Nuclear energy for future citizens

The rise of Big Solar

Beating heart cells connect to circulation in O’Brien Institute research breakthrough

George Mason University

Zinc: The Perfect Material for Bioabsorbable Stents?

Worldwide Water Shortage by 2040

A new much more effective way to administer a Tuberculosis vaccine

Major progress on identify Alzheimer’s before symptoms arise

Beijing Forestry University

Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI)

ETH Zürich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich

What does it take for a human to trust a robot?

UAB researchers cure type 1 diabetes in dogs

Web tool successfully measures farms’ water footprint

CES: F.T.C. Chairwoman Notes Concerns Raised by Connected Devices

A Mars mission could make its own oxygen with plasma technology

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Shibaura Institute of Technology

Want to Try a New Search Engine?

Swine flu breath test could help identify infected patients

Artificial Retina Could Someday Help Restore Vision

Chinese scientists upbeat on development of invisibility cloak

Agrivoltaics: Growing food and clean energy together by harvesting light

Radboud University Nijmegen

Robots Will Quickly Recognize and Respond to Human Gestures, With New Algorithms

Sympathy for the Luddites

Groundbreaking all-solid-state battery technology

These new materials work well up to 100 GHz, opening the door for the next generation of devices for advanced communications.

University of Eastern Finland

Using Sand to Improve Battery Performance

LED-based sky ceiling recreates natural lighting conditions indoors

Alzheimer’s gamechanger: Starting early on a daily regimen of ibuprofen can prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease

Looking for patterns in your electric use: The eMonitor home energy monitor

The proton transistor could finally give us perfect machine-human interfaces

Turn an iPod into an iPhone

Biomimetic strategy leads to strong, synthetic recyclable rubber

Chemistry team develops world’s first fluorescent date-rape drug sensor

MVRDV’s spectral Glass Farm echoes traditional local architecture

Mapping the cells of immortality in the hydra

New optoelectronic probe enables communication with neural microcircuits

New Method for Detecting Lung Cancer Unveiled

A big deal: Constructing a cheap quantum computer atom by atom on silicon

The first “living medicine” to treat lung infections

PPPL and Princeton demonstrate novel technique that may have applicability to future nuclear disarmament agreements

The Big Idea: Perennial Grains

A More Friendly Condom Brand, Designed For Women

Kurzweil’s singular vision

Can Computers be Creative?

Early warning signs of population collapse

The Pacific Ocean Becomes a Caldron

New smartwatch algorithm alerts wearers to bodily stress including COVID-19

New superconductor theory may revolutionize electrical engineering

Petitioners Urge White House to Reverse NASA Outreach Cuts

Toward a safe antiobesity drug that could block fat absorption

New device is more effective and safer than FDA-approved treatment for acute stroke patients

Strengthening muscle and bone with a pill

True3D Head Up Display keeps drivers focused on the road

A Cheap Spying Tool With a High Creepy Factor

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough – Part 2

Neural prosthesis restores behavior after brain injury

Soil pathogen testing – critical to farming – gets much faster and inexpensive

ShanghaiTech University

Supercomputers Reveal Strange, Stress-Induced Transformations in World’s Thinnest Materials

“Molecular movie” technology will enable extraordinary gains in bioimaging, health research

University of Saskatchewan

Intelligent Neuroprostheses Mimic Natural Motor Control

A natural form of infection control: Open Air Factor?

Where Algae Ice Cream Tastes Good

New stem cell work raises hopes for regenerative therapies that could heal currently intractable lung diseases

Radboud professor invents magnet for fast and cheap data storage

Bioprinting miniature human kidneys paves the way for new treatments for kidney failure and possibly lab-grown transplants

Francis Ford Coppola On Art, Copying And File Sharing: We Want You To Take From Us

Swarms of winged flyers for Mars exploration

A contactless cardiac arrest AI system for smart speakers

CANCER stem cells, which fuel the growth of fatal tumours, can be knocked out by a one-two combination of antibiotics and Vitamin C

New method for uncovering side effects before a drug hits the market

Mask evolution: A dynamic face mask driven by artificial intelligence can adapt to exercise and pollution levels

The Penclic Mouse… The Perfect Input Device You’ve Never Wanted.

Facial Recognition Software Moves From Overseas Wars to Local Police


Desktop Printing at the Nano Level

Renault opens online reservations for Twizy all-electric two-seater

A robot capable of immediately adapting to unexpected physical damage

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

An unexpected finding leads to a new approach for low-energy water harvesting and purification

Can a Search Engine Make You More Creative?

New real hope for non-toxic and flexible thin-film solar cells

U.S. Military Links Alternative Energy Research to Lives–and Dollars–Saved

A new take on treating pancreatic cancer shows promise

Found: The rogue molecule that can trigger autoimmunity

World Record: Longest ECG Ever Measured Non-invasively

A new near-infrared (NIR) light triggered drug delivery system

Japanese company hopes use submarines to subdue incoming typhoons

A 3-D printable fiber for clothes that can cool you down

On the way to single quantum dot nanolasers

Could swarms of nanomachines could improve the efficiency of any machine?

Bionic sense of touch through carbon nanotube research?

Honda “smart home” showcases off-the-grid energy solutions

University of Saskatchewan

High-efficiency, high-reliability perovskite solar cells getting ready for mass production

Using light to treat ulcers effectively

Better hardware for artificial intelligence

Kookmin University

China To Connect Its High Speed Rail All The Way To Europe

Wireless sensors that stick to the skin to track physiological signals

An open platform revolutionises biomedical-image processing

VIDEO: Robotic wheelchair from Chiba Tech turns wheels into legs and climbs over steps

Let Kids Rule the School

Learning signatures of the human grasp could help robots and prosthetics get a real grip

Physicist Discovers New 2D Material that could Upstage Graphene

Agricultural discovery could mean more biomass from the same sized field

‘Sensing Skin’ Quickly Detects Cracks, Damage in Concrete Structures

Citizen-science climate project adds logs from historic Arctic whaling ships

Video: Robot Can Be Programmed by Casually Talking to It

A new non-invasive method of detecting infection and monitoring antibiotic therapy

A new type of battery could be made partly from carbon dioxide captured from power plants

A newly launched satellite will reveal even more about the planet’s workings than originally planned

Shape-shifting modular interactive device can change shape on demand

“Carbon Sink” Detected Underneath World’s Deserts

Self-cleaning solar panel coating optimizes energy collection, reduces costs

Using words to teach robots

New technique offers spray-on solar power

PossessedHand controls hand movement with electrical stimulation

In Brazil, Paying Farmers to Let the Trees Stand

New material captures carbon at half the energy cost

Daily vibration may combat prediabetes in youth

Could microRNA be a treatment for inflammatory diseases such as asthma and cancer?

Inhaled aerosol vaccines provide far better protection and stronger immunity than nasal sprays

A new robotic sensor technology has the capability to diagnose women’s reproductive health problems in real-time

New storage method means hydrogen and methane can be stored in nanoscopic pores

A Clean Energy Harvest Using Two of the Most Abundant Materials on Earth

The first living robots

A microfluidic organ chip model of the human blood-brain barrier for development of brain-targeting therapeutics

Machine learning algorithms can successfully identify bullies and aggressors on Twitter with 90 percent accuracy

Scientists create organic ‘molecular computer’

DeLorme inReach gets the word out when you’re lost in the woods

Sustainable energy storage using a seaweed based sodium battery

New bionic fingertip can ‘feel’ texture

City College of New York

A real-time ultraflexible sensor that makes inflammation testing and curing 30 times faster

The versatile VQ3000 portable satellite dish

3D microprinting just got super fast by using two lasers

Electronic Pill Reality

Global Quantum Communications – No Longer the Stuff of Fiction?

Team converts sugarcane to a cold-tolerant, oil-producing crop

White graphene could usher in a new era in electronics and quantum devices

An electrical-stimulated piece of artificial muscle created by the team could lift a load 80 times its weight

Computing almost at the speed of light

Nuclear powershift: Supercritical CO2-cooled micro modular reactor

Incorporating solar harvesting into the side of buildings could show great promise

Using artificial intelligence and drones to conserve farm­land bird nests

Turning targeted immunotherapy into a precision instrument in the fight against cancer

Expert: Transgenics could head off ‘the end of orange juice’

Physicists get a perfect material for air filters with many possible uses

Something New Under the Sun – The Economist

New Nerve and Muscle Interfaces Aid Wounded Warrior Amputees

Electrified tattoos and personalized biosensors could be printed directly on your skin

The promise of long-range remotely-controlled autonomous emission-free waterways vessels

Scientists Grow Cartilage to Reconstruct Nose

Next-generation wastewater treatment and water reuse systems enhanced by microbiome engineering

Even farm animal diversity is declining as accelerating species loss threatens humanity

German University in Cairo

Creative AI: Teaching computers to be reporters and storytellers

Exploration drilling breakthrough could save up to 85 per cent of costs

GW Debuts Solar Walk on the Virginia Science and Technology Campus

The Laser Beam as a “3D Painter”

Leading in 3-D TV, Breaking Japan’s Glass Ceiling

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Could fecal transplants replace antibiotics to treat C. diff infections?

Fighting malnutrition with microparticles and micronutrients

A new supercapacitor technology destined to play a major role in the world’s future energy usage and storage needs

SIPO: Worldwide patent data crucial to nation’s innovation

Murata’s Flexible Remote Lets You Control Your TV With Bending And Twisting Motions

Regenerating Memory with Neural Stem Cells

It is possible to perform artificial intelligence using tiny nanomagnets that interact like neurons in the brain

Rare Hits and Heaps of Misses to Pay For

Portable low-cost and accurate COVID-19 antibody detection platform could massively increase testing

Boosting food production using a concept called “digital twins”

Google Escalates Location War

Bioengineers have cleared a major hurdle on the path to 3D printing replacement organs

A new form of real gold aerogel almost as light as air

A promising new way to fight tuberculosis?

Can Vitamin A Turn Back the Clock on Breast Cancer?