University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

The University of Illinois at Chicago, or UIC, is a state-funded public research university located in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

An antibiotic that could give medicine a new weapon to fight drug-resistant bacteria

Automated emotion recognition grows closer

Wet age-related macular degeneration could be treated with eyedrops soon

A voice-enabled artificial intelligence counselor for depression and anxiety

A way to convert 100% of carbon dioxide captured from industrial exhaust into ethylene

Getting us much closer to making fuel cell-powered vehicles and other fuel cell technologies a reality

Stackable artificial leaf is able to capture 100 times more carbon than other systems

Using wastewater to make ammonia while achieving a solar-to-fuel efficiency that is 10 times better than any comparable technology

Curing sickle cell disease with CRISPR technology

A new device inspired by an octopus’s sucker rapidly transfers delicate tissue or electronic sheets to a patient

Reaching carbon neutrality with a functioning rechargeable lithium-carbon dioxide battery

Lithium-carbon dioxide batteries are attractive energy storage systems because they have a specific energy density that is more than seven times greater than commonly used lithium-ion batteries. However, until now, scientists have not been able to develop a fully rechargeable prototype, despite their potential to store more energy. Researchers at the University of Illinois at

Reaching carbon neutrality with a functioning rechargeable lithium-carbon dioxide battery

A molecular switch that could boost the anti-inflammatory action of the immune system

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have identified a molecular switch that causes immune cells called macrophages to clean up cellular debris caused by infections instead of contributing to inflammation and tissue injury. Their findings are reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Macrophages are a type of immune cell found

A molecular switch that could boost the anti-inflammatory action of the immune system

Printing 3D tissues and organs without scaffolding

Engineered tissues and organs have been grown with various degrees of success in labs for many years. Many of them have used a scaffolding approach where cells are seeded onto biodegradable supportive structures that provide the underlying architecture of the organ or tissue desired. But scaffolds can be problematic — ultimately, they should degrade and

Printing 3D tissues and organs without scaffolding

Detecting cancer cells in blood with a new microfluidic device

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Queensland University of Technology of Australia, have developed a device that can isolate individual cancer cells from patient blood samples. The microfluidic device works by separating the various cell types found in blood by their size. The device may one day enable rapid, cheap liquid biopsies

Detecting cancer cells in blood with a new microfluidic device

Artificial leaves move into daylight

Artificial leaves mimic photosynthesis — the process whereby plants use water and carbon dioxide from the air to produce carbohydrates using energy from the sun. But even state-of-the-art artificial leaves, which hold promise in reducing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, only work in the laboratory because they use pure, pressurized carbon dioxide from tanks. But

Artificial leaves move into daylight

Enabling electric vehicles to get 500 miles on a single charge

Lithium-air batteries are poised to become the next revolutionary replacement for currently used lithium-ion batteries that power electric vehicles, cell phones and computers. Lithium-air batteries, which currently are still in the experimental stages of development, can store 10 times more energy than lithium-ion batteries, and they are much lighter. That said, lithium-air batteries could be

Enabling electric vehicles to get 500 miles on a single charge

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