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Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering
Multicellular biobots can move around and help heal “wounds”
The future of concrete as part of the energy transition?
Riddle solved: The key to designing concrete that lasts for millennia
A new type of RNA can inhibit a broad range of viral infections
Is this the way to build a cure for heart attacks?
Wearable sweat diagnostics: Real-time continuous monitoring is possible for things like COVID-19 and influenza
Significantly speeding up the pace and quality of vaccine creation with a microfluidic Organ Chip – No Animal Testing
Regrowing a functional almost complete limb for the very first time – in a frog
Building the first living robots that can reproduce
A robotic exosuit that can be calibrated to an individual and adapt to a variety of real-world walking tasks in a matter of seconds
A new vaccine technology could ward off a broad range of bacterial infections and septic shock
Diagnosing COVID-19 using a face mask with a wearable biosensor
Robotic fish swarms swim together without outside coordination
Using red blood cells to generate targeted immune responses for better vaccines – in mice
Human-on-body chip systems can enhance drug testing
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