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Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
When specific brain cells are activated could lifespan be increased?
MRI brain scans can predict with 89 percent accuracy who will go on to develop dementia within three years
New ALS therapy extends survival and reverses some neuromuscular damage in animals
Cardiovascular medicine is being transformed by virtual reality
Can noninvasive radiation treatment help a deadly heart rhythm problem?
Assessing a disease that effects 120 million people worldwide with a portable 3-D scanner
Motor neurons created directly from human skin cells
A blood test for Alzheimer’s?
An antibody that ‘neutralizes’ the Zika virus?
NMN reduces signs of aging: It’s safety is being tested
Grow a living hip replacement and fight arthritis as well
As more states legalize marijuana, adolescents’ problems with pot decline
Stem cells from diabetic patients coaxed to become insulin-secreting cells
Light — not pain-killing drugs — used to activate brain’s opioid receptors
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