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washington state university
The smallest, lightest and fastest fully functional micro-robots ever known to be created
A way to dramatically cut methane pollution from millions of engines
New carbon-negative concrete can continue to sequester CO2 for the lifetime of the product
Keeping queen bees chilled in indoor refrigeration units to help bees beat climate change
Converting sewage to biogas can produce electricity or be upgraded to renewable natural gas
Enabling 100% sustainable aviation fuel
Using hydrogen peroxide e-bandages to treat wound infections instead of antibiotics
A lignin digesting enzyme offers tremendous potential for renewable energy and materials
Honey can be used for creating renewable and biodegradable neuromorphic chips and systems
New solutions to the challenge of replacing industrial fertilizers with custom-made bacteria
Determining antibiotic resistance in less than 90 minutes
A new way to quickly assess soil health by measuring the electric current produced by its tiniest microbes?
Assessing soil health by measuring the electric current produced by its tiniest microbes?
A new fungus strain could provide a chemical-free method for eradicating mites that kill honey bees
New hope for Monarch butterflies
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