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university of south florida
A big step forward to wireless power for sensors, LEDs and other simple devices with low energy requirements
A solution to ensure social media users are exposed to more reliable news sources
A way to rapidly disinfect and electrostatically recharge N95 respirators for reuse and more reuse – effectively
Could a new vaccine help to halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease?
Could the cure for melanoma be a compound derived from a marine invertebrate?
Billions of microplastic particles found in a major body of water
The fight to preserve coral reefs requires local, not just global, action
The largest bloom of macroalgae in the world stretches from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico
Could certain antidepressants provide frontline treatment for multiple infectious diseases?
Precise activation and tracking of cancer treatment with a new compound is possible
An eco-friendly and cost-effective approach to recovering uranium from seawater
Using light to convert a polymer material from a rigid substance to a softer one that can heal itself when damaged
Entire ecosystems are being thrown out of whack by changing weather patterns
New Generation of Manufacturing Could Begin With Breaking Me Softly
USF Biologist Discovers Secret to Highly Efficient Swimming in Certain Animals, Such as Jellyfish
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