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university of massachusetts
AI can be used to deduce “recipes” for producing particular materials by pouring through millions of articles
Electrically heated textiles getting ready to wear
A 3D printable structure that begins to fold itself up as soon as it’s peeled off the printing platform
New biomass conversion tool: Fungi that eat wood
Turning fabric into circuits for power-generating clothes
A new process to make sustainable rubber and plastics from renewable sources
Automobile tires from trees and grasses now possible in a process that could shift the tire production industry
BPS, found in baby bottles, personal care products and thermal receipts impairs behavior in pregnant and lactating mice
An anti-CRISPR could prevent off-target effects
Researchers invent ‘perfect’ soap molecule
Creating New Devices That Emulate Human Biological Synapses
Extending Battery Life for Mobile Devices – 400 times longer battery life than Bluetooth
Synthetic Biology: New bacteria produce ultra-miniature nanowires for next generation electronics
Research advances transferring control between a human and an autonomous system including self-driving cars
‘Green’ Electronic Materials Produced with Synthetic Biology
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