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university of central florida
An alternative way to produce colored paint that is more natural, environmentally friendly and light weight
Using ultrasound-responsive nanobubbles to deliver osteoporosis treatment avoids side effects
Unconventional brain-like computing at the tiniest scale of atoms and molecules is possible
Charged supercapacitor Power Suits for electric vehicles and spacecraft
Could the world’s first optical oscilloscope increase communications speed by a factor of about 10,000?
Could clean cars powered by direct ethanol fuel cells be a solid approach to help mitigate climate change?
Help for fighting pandemics using a new long-lasting disinfectant
A new nanoscale material efficiently splits seawater into oxygen and hydrogen at an industrial scale
Using infrared imaging to spot and remove invasive pythons in the Everglades
A developing hypersonic propulsion system could reach speeds up to Mach 16
A new screening technique is more than 300 times as effective at detecting a biomarker for diseases like cancer
Could AI-teachers easily integrate into the education experience?
A breakthrough in the fight against the leading cause of amphibian deaths worldwide
Using a tethered diversion to protect Earth from asteroid impact
Molecular circuitry opens the door to ultra-high-density computing
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