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university of cambridge
AI Mimics Brain’s Efficiency by Emulating Physical Constraints
Producing clean water and clean fuel at the same time with a new solar device
New ways of interacting with technology start to get magical
Restoring faith in carbon credits via new offset markets
Simulating models of hypothetical time travel can solve experimental problems that appear impossible to solve
Opening the door for vaccines against viruses that we don’t yet know about
The first time carbon-based molecules have been discovered in the atmosphere of an exoplanet in the habitable zone
Researchers are developing a way to incorporate uncertainty into machine learning systems
New faster, denser synapse like memory shows great promise for the rapidly growing AI and machine learning fields
A new device that processes data in a similar way as the synapses in the human brain
Using just thin air and plastic waste to produce clean sustainable fuels
Could a robotic ‘chef’ watch and learn from cooking videos and actually recreate the dish itself
Instantly usable liquid fuels made directly from solar power
The Fabric Revolution Begins With Revolutionary Smart Textiles
Restoring function in paralysed limbs with a biohybrid device
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