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University of California Santa Barbara
Cutting both heating and cooling costs with an innovative passive thermoregulating roof tile
Do distinct moral categories have an underlying neurologic basis?
New antibiotic cures superbugs without bacterial resistance
Miniaturised biosensors allow unprecedented real-time data for tracking patients’ health
A new simple very low cost material to scrub CO2 for powerplant smokestacks
Just what is the potential of probabilistic computers?
Reversing insecticide resistance and help fight malaria with a new genetic strategy
Using lasers to rapidly and temporarily change the properties of materials without producing heat
A new method for defending the Earth against cosmic impacts?
New study of low ocean oxygen levels indicates potentially devastating impacts for fisheries and ecosystems
Is it possible to estimate the number of seated people in an area from outside using only WiFi?
Using satellite images to improve lives via a new machine learning breakthrough
Researchers have developed a fast, steerable, burrowing soft robot for both here and way out there
Groundbreaking model uses remote sensing data, machine learning, and human rights expertise to shed light on slavery at sea
Could accessible and affordable healthcare be a key tool for addressing the climate crisis?
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