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University of Bern
And now the ability to kill prostate cancer cells and stop resistance in its tracks
A surprising new non-opioid pain killer with fewer side effects
The world’s first full-scale planetary defense test against potential asteroid impacts on Earth
Building truly intelligent and adaptive machines requires algorithms to get creative
Brain-inspired computers get a training algorithm that greatly boosts efficiency and complex problem-solving
Millions of jobs at stake: Marine heatwaves could wipe out an extra six per cent of a country’s fish catches if we don’t act
Micro-circuits in the brain that regulate fear
Underground sun conversion of renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane
Could this be a milestone on the path to detecting life on other planets?
Old age frailty and immune decline are reversed using a novel cell-based therapeutic approach – in animal models
Molecular electronic nanodevices get closer with graphene electrodes
A new approach to combating anxiety states, pain and inflammation
Genomics takes a leap forward after finding the delete button on DNA
Powering medical implants with solar cells placed under the skin
Light in sight: a step towards a potential therapy for acquired blindness
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