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University of Basel
No facial expression can escape AI
Using fungi instead of fertilizer to boost crop yields by up to 40 percent
Replacing rare and expensive noble metals with plentiful and inexpensive chromium
Infrared detectors on-a-chip changes the whole spectrometer field
Completely secure communications by adding noise?
30 genes associated with schizophrenia
The ability to weigh individual cells opens new vistas in biology and beyond
One step closer to the quantum internet
Four new human rights laws could emerge in the near future to protect against exploitation and loss of privacy
LSD reduces activity in the region of the brain related to the handling of negative emotions like fear
Artificial Intelligence Helps in the Discovery of New Materials
Bringing artificial enzymes closer to nature
In a New Method for Searching Image Databases, a Hand-drawn Sketch Is all it Takes
Graphene could produce frictionless coatings
Ideal Single-Photon Source: Quantum cryptography and quantum communication
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