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Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
A groundbreaking technology that can recognize human emotions in real time
A remarkable breakthrough in cancer treatment: Revolutionary nanodrones enable targeted cancer treatment
3D printing a smart contact lens with augmented reality navigation capabilities
Capturing carbon dioxide with porous carbon created from plastic waste
New thermoelectric ink can transform car exhaust pipes and chimneys into electric generators
A breakthrough in technology that efficiently converts liquid ammonia into hydrogen
Could antibiotic-resistant bacteria be removed by controlling the surface texture of nanomaterials?
Hydrogen production from biomass
Could solar cell windows be on the way by punching holes in regular solar cells?
Making pharma patents airtight
Turning waste methane into formaldehyde could be a big deal
New hydrogen production method is 4 times more efficient
Speeding up fast charging in new electric cars
A new approach to low-cost and highly stable perovskite solar cells
Metal-air batteries with significantly greater energy density close to that of gasoline per kilogram start to get real
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