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Towards a real Tricorder: Combining infrared light and machine learning to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms arise
Star Trek-inspired handheld device could help make rapid sophisticated medical diagnostics more accessible to people around the world
Engineers take first step toward flexible, wearable, tricorder-like device
This NASA-Tech Health Scanner Might Be The Closest Thing To A Real-Life Tricorder Yet
Where No Smartphone Has Gone Before
Hybrid technology could make Star Trek-style tricorder a reality
Nanotube coating helps shrink mass spectrometers
My God, Man! XPRIZE Unveils Medical Tricorder Teams
Medical Tricorder Will Measure Your Vital Signs In Seconds
VIDEO: Glove Tricorder gives a hands-on diagnosis
Researcher publishes specs for real Linux-powered Star Trek tricorder
Scanadu developing a real-life medical tricorder
8 Star Trek Gadgets That Are No Longer Fiction
Space age technologies used in sci-fi sick bay
Triage Technology With A Star Trek Twist: Tricorder-like Device
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