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Technical University of Munich
The world’s first microrobot capable of navigating within groups of cells and stimulating individual cells
Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells: The New Eco-Friendly Materials for Light-Emitting Devices
Revolutionary Artificial Photosynthesis Method Creates Sustainable Protein for Growing Global Needs
Could solar-powered airships be just over the horizon?
An effecient way to passively collect rare earth elements from wastewater using cyanobacteria
Building and repairing structures with 3D printed flying drones
Superheated steam is more effective and earth-friendly for washing dishes
Combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria with viruses
Converting CO2 into chemicals with electricity from renewable sources
Removing litter from oceans using robots
Room divider based on UV-C light invisibly inactivates SARS-CoV-2 aerosols
Unleashing the full potential of digital sensors to perceive what humans can and beyond
AI can now compare individual patient cells with a reference atlas of cells of healthy individuals for more personalized medicine
A chip with particularly secure encryption technology could protect against even quantum computer attacks
Trapping viruses and rendering them harmless with nano-objects made of DNA
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