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Stanford University
A Transparent Coating that Cools Solar Cells to Boost Efficiency
Stanford engineers aim to connect the world with ant-sized radios
Stanford scientists develop water splitter that runs on ordinary AAA battery
Stanford engineers envision an electronic switch just three atoms thick
Stanford Engineer’s Electrifying Breakthrough
Designer Glue Improves Lithium-ion Battery Life
Peel-and-Stick solar panels from Stanford engineering
College of Future Could Be Come One, Come All
A Leap Forward in Brain-Controlled Computer Cursors
Stanford scientists build the first all-carbon solar cell
A self-powered pacemaker with no battery coming soon
Meet The Woman Who Can Convince Even Republicans To Use Solar Power
Engineers Perfecting Carbon Nanotubes for Highly Energy-Efficient Computing
Potential Anti-Cancer Therapy That Starves Cancer Cells of Glucose Identified
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