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spinal cord injury
Gene inhibitor, salmon fibrin restore function lost in spinal cord injury
New Device Allows Brain To Bypass Spinal Cord, Move Paralyzed Limbs
Spinal Stimulation Helps Four Patients with Paraplegia Regain Voluntary Movement
Soft Exosuit
Mind-controlled exoskeleton to help disabled people walk again
Human Brain Treats Prosthetic Devices as Part of the Body
Technology that Lets Spinal Cord-Injured Man Control Robot Arm with Thoughts
Advanced exoskeleton promises more independence for people with paraplegia
Kickstart mechanical orthosis puts a spring in your step, no batteries required
Robotic Exoskeletal Device
Bionic suit to help Guthrie woman walk
Musical Glove Improves Sensation, Mobility for People with Spinal Cord Injury
‘Noodle Gels’ or ‘Spaghetti Highways’ Could Become Tools of Regenerative Medicine
New tech allows quadriplegics to discreetly control wheelchairs using their tongues
Caltech scientists make MS breakthrough
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