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solar cell
The first perovskite solar cell with a commercially viable lifetime can perform above industry standards for around 30 years
Bacteria-powered solar cell
A better hybrid energy harvesting system using sun and rain
A revolutionary direction in photodetector and solar cell material design?
A wearable solar cell can be soaked in water, stretched and compressed
An ultra-stable perovskite solar cell has been running at 11.2% efficiency for over a year, without loss in performance
Smart nano-tricks double eco-friendly solar cell efficiency – 35 to 40 per cent
New perovskite solar cell design could outperform existing commercial technologies at a much lower cost
Graphics and photos as solar cells and solar cells and photos as graphics
Photosynthetic solar cell captures atmospheric CO2 and sunlight, produces burnable fuel
Entanglement at heart of ‘two-for-one’ singlet fission could double solar cell output
New Research Puts Us Closer To DIY Spray-On Solar Cell Technology
A Transparent Coating that Cools Solar Cells to Boost Efficiency
High-efficiency, high-reliability perovskite solar cells getting ready for mass production
Hybrid solar cell converts both light and heat from sun’s rays into electricity (video)
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