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skin cancer
In a new study researchers have managed to curb skin cancer
Painlessly identifying skin cancers with a new hand-held scanning device
Diagnosing skin cancer with a new non-invasive device
An injection to treat skin cancer?
Can artificial intelligence help detect melanoma?
A handheld device for diagnosing skin cancer could reduce need for painful biopsies by 50 perceny
A laser microscope that could both diagnose diseases and perform incredibly precise surgery—all without cutting skin
Stopping the progression of melanoma with the flip of a genetic switch
Discovery: The control mechanism for melanoma skin cancer
A new device can optimize treatment of neonatal jaundice, skin diseases, seasonal affective disorder and reduce risk of sunburns and skin cancer
Chemotherapy for melanoma that can be “painted” directly on the skin
Using oxygen to kill infections and disease
An all-natural sunscreen derived from algae
World first as viral immunotherapy for skin cancer shows patient benefit in Phase III trial
Device created for faster skin biopsies without anesthesia
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