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shanghai jiao tong university
An entirely new solution to the global water crisis?
Solar powered clothing that both heats and cools the body
New desalination approach makes it is possible for water, produced by sunlight, to be even cheaper than tap water
A fingertip-sized on-chip spectrometer offers new functions in all fields of science and industry
Reversing the signs of aging by eating sea squirts?
A passive solar evaporation system for inexpensive desalination
Has climate change begun to suffocate the world’s fisheries?
Real-time tactile control gained with a light and inexpensive inflatable robotic hand
The potential to non-invasively treat tumors that are buried deep inside the body using ultrasound
Using the heart’s own energy to power a pacemaker
On the path to reliable quantum machine learning
Cutting the energy required for training and running neural networks
Solar-powered water desalination made simple: Fresh potable water from seawater
The blackest black material . . . ever
Practical photonic quantum computing moves closer
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