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royal melbourne institute of technology
Could a new malaria discovery offer effective treatment for a range of infectious diseases including COVID-19?
World’s fastest internet speed from a single optical chip
Could memory and learning be boosted by the brain’s immune system?
Flexible touchscreens could be printed just like newspaper
Is gold the secret for the next step in cancer treatment?
Laser printing waterproof smart fabrics in minutes
A really low-cost field tool to test water contaminants and blood samples
Mimicking the human brain with an electronic chip that uses light to create and modify memories
Helping to manage road infrastructure with Google Street View
Bees demonstrate new possibilities for communication between humans and other species
Using the power of sound to build next generation smart materials
A low-cost, self-sufficient and entirely portable point-of-care diagnostics device
3D optical biopsies move closer to reality
Turning carbon dioxide back into coal?
New nanophotonic device ups the speed of the internet by 100 times
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