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royal melbourne institute of technology
A cheap new way to capture and convert CO2 greenhouse emissions using liquid metal
Using liquid metal to create and antiviral and antimicrobial fabric for facemasks and more
A new way to get twice the power from ocean waves
New 3D printing technique creates some of the most intricate biomedical structures yet
A new superbug-destroying coating for wound dressings and implants
Next-generation transparent electronics
A light-activated hydrogen sensor that produces ultra-precise results at room temperature
High-frequency sound waves can be used to build new materials, make smart nanoparticles and even deliver drugs
Making diamonds at room temperature in a laboratory in mere minutes
New AI technology brings together imaging, processing, machine learning and memory in one electronic chip, powered by light
A neuron-growing ink uses the body’s own electrical signals to precisely guide the growth of nerve cells offering nerve injury hope
New machine learning program can greatly accelerate clean energy generation
Radically shrinking one of the most fundamental elements of modern technology
Could sewage be an almost unlimited resource to produce hydrogen?
Researchers have developed electronic artificial skin that reacts to pain just like real skin
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