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royal melbourne institute of technology
A new way to alter the DNA of bacterial cells using electricity instead of harsh chemicals to manufacture life-saving medicines
A reprogrammable light-based computer processor
A 3D printed metamaterial could change how we make everything from medical implants to aircraft or rocket parts
Introducing recyclable water batteries that won’t catch fire or explode
The Idea: A cheap proton battery for storing solar energy that does not rely on scarce natural resources
A cheaper and more energy-efficient way to make hydrogen directly from seawater
A new type of antibiotic that can be rapidly re-engineered to avoid resistance by dangerous superbugs
Boosting hydrogen production: Using high-frequency vibrations to release 14 times more hydrogen compared with standard electrolysis
Removing hazardous microplastics quickly from water using magnets
“Invisible fibre” can be added to foods to make it healthier without changing its texture, colour or taste
Making stronger concrete with discarded PPE
Replacing 100% of conventional aggregates in concrete with rubber from old tires
Cryopreservation for organs moves closer
Liquid platinum: The ‘cool’ catalyst for a sustainable revolution in industrial chemistry
Self-cleaning bioplastics
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