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renewable energy
Could “hacking” photosynthesis lead to new ways of generating renewable energy?
Could spare battery capacity in electric vehicles be used to support the uptake of renewable energy?
Wind and solar power development has to increase dramatically to meet climate change threats
Breakthrough: Harvesting energy from living cells to help create a zero-carbon world
Water vapor in the atmosphere may serve as a potential renewable energy source
Lighting the way for renewable energy
A world record for the conversion of solar energy to electricity via quantum dots
Latest study: Geothermal drilling does not cause uncontrolled seismic activity
Could every country have a Green New Deal?
Economical renewable energy from water splitting gets big help from artificial intelligence
Is geothermal heat the ultimate energy source?
Abundant cheap hydrogen from new catalyst material
The future just got brighter for renewable energy and materials
New highly efficient artificial photosynthesis device can generate hydrogen and could turn CO2 into fuel
Getting much closer to a revolutionary battery to power renewable energy industry
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