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radboud university nijmegen
Ultrasound can change brain functions for up to an hour
Storing data in DNA sounds like science fiction yet it lies in our near future
A swarm of tiny drones that can explore unknown environments completely by themselves
Can a new electronic nose sniff out which lung cancer patients will respond to immunotherapy
Superfast data processing using light pulses instead of electricity
To what extent are people prepared to show consideration for robots?
Research shows that the dye methylene blue is a safe antimalarial that kills malaria parasites at an unprecedented rate
Self-destroying nanosubmarine delivers and releases drugs for cells
Tiny nanorocket machines are ideal candidates for drug delivery in the human body
Re-activating a compromised immune system to fight sepsis
T-waves will “speed up” computer memory by a factor of 1,000
Key component for wireless communication with terahertz frequencies
Radboud professor invents magnet for fast and cheap data storage
Shock Therapy can Erase Bad Memories, Researchers Say
Computer can read letters directly from the brain
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