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quantum communication
The first drone based mobile quantum network provides unrivaled security
A giant leap towards realizing affordable and accessible quantum communications
Quantum photonics: Promising a new era in optical circuits
Bringing quantum communication closer to true network implementation
Another step on the way to quantum networks
A key advance towards long-awaited quantum optics technologies for computing, communication and remote sensing
One more step to a super-secure quantum internet
Successful exchange of quantum information on daylight in a free-space quantum key distribution
Simpler quantum “hard drive for light”
Quantum communication gets increased by nearly one million times the current speed limit
Technique paves the way for high-bit-rate secure long distance quantum communication
First Demonstration of Secure Space Quantum Communication Using a Microsatellite
Long-distance quantum communication via a network of crystals
Quantum transfer of information between matter and light – Breakthrough
Ideal Single-Photon Source: Quantum cryptography and quantum communication
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