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Intelligent biogel attacks cancer
Poker-playing program knows when to fold ’em
Breakthrough technique offers the prospect of silicon detectors for telecommunications
Green tea boosts your brain
NTU scientists discover material that can be solar cell by day, light panel by night
Scientists have discovered that a polymer can provide a key to get into tumors
Making “Frozen Smoke” the Fast Way
Innovative Screening Strategy Swiftly Uncovers New Drug Candidates, New Biology
Research funding has become prone to bubble formation
NTU scientists make breakthrough solar technology – 5 times cheaper!
Feds fund concept for cheaper, better titanium made in U.S.
McGill discovery should save wheat farmers millions
Major leap towards graphene for solar cells
Make It Yourself and Save—a Lot—with 3D Printers
Solar power heads in a new direction: thinner
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