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Princeton University
Pulling carbon dioxide out of the air using moisture
Using radio waves to monitor nuclear weapons stockpiles
Bringing next-generation wireless technologies to bear on the massive problem of food waste
Achieving passive cooling inside naturally conditioned buildings in hot arid climates
New vistas for environmentally friendly lithium extraction?
Researchers are developing a way to incorporate uncertainty into machine learning systems
3D printed cement gets a laser boost
Using words to teach robots
Fusion Breakthrough: Do we actually have liftoff?
Opening the door to entirely replace precious metals to produce hydrogen
Using egg whites to to remove that can cheaply remove salt and microplastics seawater with 98+ percent efficiency
A major step forward to use geothermal technology for energy storage
Building direct air capture rail cars to utilize railway networks to help mitigate climate change
Enhancing the growth of food crops by understanding fast-growing algae
An AI project models first impressions based on facial features and can accurately predict how people will be perceived
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