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A new environmentally-friendly polymer degrades under very mild acidic conditions
New Self-Healing Gel Makes Electronics More Flexible
Inkjet Hologram Printing is Possible Now!
Flexible dielectric polymer can stand the heat
“Energy-Generating Rubber” Combines Flexibility and High-Output
New Self-Stretching Material Developed at University of Rochester
Composite materials can be designed in a supercomputer ‘virtual lab’
Heat-conducting plastic developed at U-Michigan
Nanoparticles that enable both MRI and fluorescent imaging could monitor cancer, other diseases
Novel recycling methods: The fluorescent fingerprint of plastics
Eco-friendly versatile nanocapsules developed
New experimental polymers could deliver cheaper, lighter, stronger and recyclable materials ideal for electronics, aerospace, airline and automotive industries
Sweaty Hands? New Fingerprinting Method Takes Pore Prints
Flexible plastics that turn mechanical vibrations into electrical energy could replace batteries
New Self-healing Plastics Developed
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