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Bioengineering better photosynthesis increases yields in food crops for the first time ever
Helping world food security by unlocking a key to photosynthesis
Accelerating the process of photosynthesis to increase crop production
Blue-green algae could be a new green power source
High yield crops a step closer
Micro Photosynthetic Power Cells may be the Green Energy Source for the Next Generation
Nanobionics Supercharge Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis hack needed to feed the world by 2050
Water and sunlight the formula for sustainable fuel
Proteins that replace silicon: A semi-artificial leaf faster than “natural” photosynthesis
ASU-led study yields first snapshots of water splitting in photosynthesis
Bio-Robot Lives off of Photosynthesis Like a Plant
Bionic plants
Cobalt catalysts allow researchers to duplicate the complicated steps of photosynthesis
Maths study of photosynthesis clears the path to developing new super-crops
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