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A new technique for rapid detection of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Chronic Wasting Disease
AI can can detect the presence and severity of Parkinson’s from breathing patterns
A new type of hydrogel could radically transform how we treat Parkinson’s disease
Stimulating humans’ sense of smell to prevent conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease
One-time treatment eliminates Parkinson’s disease and regrows neurons: in mice
Hope for a new treatment that could slow or even stop Parkinson’s
A potential diagnostic tool and treatment for Parkinson’s disease
Manipulating brain cells using a smartphone
Could virtual reality help to recalibrate neurological disorders?
Big data takes on big neurological problems
Restoring brain cells damaged in Parkinson’s?
The promise of stem cell technologies for treating Parkinson’s
Focused ultrasound surgery improves quality of life for patients with Parkinson’s disease
An experimental drug that slows the progression of Parkinson’s disease itself — as well as its symptoms — in mice
A Switch That Could Shut Down Inflammation
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