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ohio state university
A method for capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere powered by clean geothermal energy
AI has the potential to learn like humans
Could a new satellite-based “eavesdropping” technology usher in a new era of positioning, navigation and timing?
Getting ahead of future pandemics by proactively identifying animal viruses that might infect humans
Extracting rare earth elements from coal mine drainage
Conductive aluminum that is lighter, cheaper, and more abundant than copper
Using electricity to inexpensively make pharmaceuticals and other natural products
Can anyone be trained to be creative?
A new way to store big data in a very small space potentially using much less energy than is currently possible
A way to make what is called “reservoir computing” work between 33 and a million times faster
New software can design DNA robots in minutes instead of days
A real game changer in cybersecurity: Using chaos to protect devices from hackers
Crunching massive amounts of data to help determine which existing medications could improve outcomes in other diseases
Could AI-teachers easily integrate into the education experience?
Can a natural human protein stop lethal lung damage from the flu?
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